COVID-19 Spreading Through 5G Networks?!?

Yes, you read that right! COVID-19 is really spreading through 5G Networks! We are just shocked as you… just kidding! That fact is clearly not true, but unfortunately it is one of the many myths that are spreading through the internet that people are blindly believing. Today’s post will be myth-busting many of the popular things people nowadays believe will protect them from COVID-19. And P.S.- Happy Earth Day!
Check out our blog about coronavirus and the environment here.

Myth #1: Face masks can protect you from the virus
Fact Check: One of the most popular rumors is that wearing a face mask can protect you from the virus. However, we are here to tell you that statement is WRONG! Standard surgical masks are not designed to prevent viral particles from going into your mouth and nose. They are actually designed to make sure people with the disease do not release the virus when they cough, breathe, or sneeze. Ultimately, what we’re trying to say is that wearing a mask and going to Costco won’t lower your chances of getting infected, so STAY HOME!

Myth #2: If you can hold your breath for 10 seconds or more without coughing or irritation, it means that you do not have COVID-19.
Fact Check: Even though a symptom for COVID-19 is difficult breathing, you cannot ensure that you have/don’t have COVID-19 with a simple breathing exercise. You can only confirm if you have the virus or not with official lab testing.


Myth #3: Cold weather and snow kills the new coronavirus.
Fact Check: Temperature does not have an impact on the coronavirus, so there is no reason to believe that the cold weather can eliminate the virus.

Myth #4: Face masks can protect you from the virus
Fact Check: Although adults are more likely to get COVID-19, children are not immune to it. Studies show that all people are almost equally likely to get it, but children tend to have weaker symptoms.

Myth #5: The novel coronavirus is just like the flu
Fact Check: Although they do have similar systems and both can lead to pneumonia, they are severely different biologically and in aspect to mortality rate. Let the numbers speak for themselves: Flu Mortality Rate: 0.1%
COVID-19 Mortality Rate: about 3%

Myth #6: Home remedies can help cure/prevent COVID-19.
Fact Check: No home remedies can cure COVID-19, including essential oils, vitamin, ginger, garlic, fish tank cleaner, and (surprisingly) bleach. Please DO NOT ingest bleach!

Myth #7: Hand dryers are effective in killing the coronavirus.
Fact Check: Hand dryers have no way to eliminate bacteria, germs, or viruses from your skin. To be safe, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water and then dry your hands using a towel or a dryer.

Myth #8: The coronavirus was deliberately created by the government/people
Fact Check: This is incorrect. There are many exaggerated conspiracy theories about the virus being released on purpose by the government. However, these are not backed up by scientific evidence and it most likely began with a common animal transmitting the virus to a human.

Myth #9: Parcels from China can spread coronavirus.
Fact Check: Although the first cases of the novel coronavirus were recorded in China, by no means is it appropriate to say that Chinese packages contain coronavirus. In fact, the CDC has stated that the virus tends not to survive for long on packaging and letters.
Side Note: We do not support people referring to coronavirus as the “Chinese Virus” or making racist comments towards people from China. We do not support racism in general and we are urging you to respect all people regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, age, or any other form of distinguishability. The creators of ConqueringCorona believe that there is unity and diversity and that we must treat others the way we want to be treated!

Myth #10: Going on vacation to warm places can prevent you from getting COVID-19.
Fact Check: Traveling is definitely not a good idea because you are more likely to encounter more people that might have COVID-19. Also the temperature of the place you are living does not play a big role on whether or not you will get the novel coronavirus.

Thanks for reading! Once again, be sure to comment, check out our other blogs, and subscribe to emails! Next time someone uses one of these myths to misguide you, tell them that they’re wrong and ConqueringCorona helped you realize that! The best way to stay healthy is to still wash hands frequently and practice social distancing. And with that, we’re signing off. Happy Earth Day! 


Image Sources:

Total Confirmed Cases *As of April 22nd, 2020* : 
Global: 2,627,630 (Increased by appx. 400,000)
United States: 841,556 (Increased by appx. 140,000)
New Jersey: 95,865 (Increased by appx. 20,000)
*Increases from April 18th, 2020* (Last Post)

Data Sources:


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