Save Yourself From Self-Quarantine Boredom!

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread, many people are practicing to “social distance” themselves from others in order to prevent the virus from rapidly infecting our society. This means that many people are stuck inside of their house bored out of their minds with nothing to do. How can we keep ourselves entertained if all we can do is sit at home? Fear not! There are plenty of ways you can keep yourself busy and have fun during this dreadful quarantine. Here are 10 fun activities you can do at home to stay occupied during your “coronacation”!   

1. Rubik’s Cube/Other Puzzles -
 ➢ Solving a Rubik’s Cube may seem impossible at first- and trust me, I felt the same way! However, it really is not that bad and simply requires a few tutorials and a Rubik’s Cube to complete the task. There are a few algorithms you must learn, and the website I have listed above is a great resource to learn them (it is what I used). I learned the method of solving it in about two weeks, and with about a few months of practice, I improved my record time up to 28 seconds! This is a great way to expand your intellectual horizon while passing the time! 
➢ If Rubik’s Cubes or not for you, we suggest solving jigsaw puzzles and trying to time yourself while doing it! Set a goal time for yourself and keep working towards that during this quarantine! 

2. Learn to Juggle -  
➢ Juggling is an impressive talent to learn that will make you feel like a boss! To begin, all you need is yourself and three objects (preferably soft balls) that can easily fit in your hands and you're off to become a juggling master! Besides being fun and outright satisfying, juggling also improves your coordination and focus. What are you waiting for? Go find some balls and start juggling!

3. A Family Game night - 
➢ Now that you’re stuck with your family and loved ones for the next several months, you might as well make the best of it. There are countless games you can play with your family to make your home quarantine worthwhile. Here is a list of ideas to choose from if you ever have a family game night: 
⧫UNO or any other specific card game 
⧫Telephone Dominos 
⧫Never Have I Ever 

4. Movie night -  
➢ Sit back, relax, and enjoy a movie of your choice! I mean who doesn’t want to wrap themselves in a bundle of blankets and watch The Three Stooges make a fool out of themselves! Whether you watch it with others or watch it alone, a movie is always a good choice to wind down during quarantine. Here’s a list of our personal favorites you can watch: 
⧫Harry Potter series
⧫Lord of the Rings 
⧫Hunger Games series
⧫Movies based on Stephen King novels (ei. Shining, It, Pet Sematary, Cujo, Misery, etc.)
⧫Fast and Furious series

5. Binge-watch some shows -  
➢ There’s no better time to start all those Netflix shows you’ve always wanted to watch than during your “coroncation”. Get some snacks and get ready to lose track of the day by binge-watching a few of our favorite shows...You’ll be there for a while. (not all are kid friendly, we advise you to search up the ratings):  
⧫Stranger Things 
⧫All American 
⧫Bates Motel 
⧫The Office 
⧫The Good Place 
⧫Jane the Virgin 
⧫Breaking Bad

➢ Personally, I get bored of eating the same meals on a repetitive basis. Sometimes we have the ingredients in our house to make a culinary masterpiece, and we don’t even know it! I urge you all to watch YouTube videos on how to make many different dishes, or search up famous recipes online. You may have to buy ingredients to do this, but I suggest you order them online for delivery and avoid going outside. Do some research and bedazzle your loved ones!

7. Card Tricks - Although many card tricks difficult to pull off, some of them come quite easily with a little bit of practice. This is a good way for you to pass time and leave your family members in awe. The YouTube channel listed above is amazing- it helped me learn many card tricks that stupefied my parents!

8. Flip book/ Drawing -
➢ For the artistic side of you readers, we highly suggest this! Flip books are a great, productive way to pass time and allow you to be creative with a storyline! All you need are some colored pencils/markers and a pack of post it notes and ur good to go!

9. Trickshots -
➢ Trickshots are a fun way to make the time fly without you knowing it! Not to mention, you don’t need any special equipment--whatever you have in the house should be fine. You can create games with trick shots, or make trickshot videos! Be creative and trickshot on! Maybe post on YouTube and become the next Dude Perfect!

10. Exercise at home -
➢ Exercising can be a great way to stay active and feel healthy! Now that gyms are closed and most of stay at home all day on the couch (*cough cough* me *cough cough*), we need to burn some calories and feel productive! We suggest watching YouTube videos to find the best at home workouts, or searching through websites online to make a plan that is right for you! 
➢ We also suggest yoga and practicing mindfulness. Yoga is beneficial for your body and your mind, as studies show it can cure many issues in your body and reduce stress. Mindfulness techniques such as meditating, chanting, and even writing in journals have been proven to reduce stress and provide you with a positive mindset.

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  1. Very well thought to avoid the coronacation. Keep up the good work. I am sure you guys will influence others to follow.


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