The Secret Green Thumb of Coronavirus

Seven Biggest Environmental Threats | LoveToKnowThe Yin Yang is a famous Chinese symbol (☯) we have always admired. It describes how in darkness there is light, and how there is a balance between good and bad in the universe. The novel coronavirus is definitely one of the scariest things to ever happen for us Gen Z people, but we must say, it has provided relief to the global environment in ways society has not seen often since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.

As you all know, the global environment is currently in one of the worst states it has ever been since the history of mankind. With pollution, ozone depletion, deforestation, climate change, habitat destruction, poaching, and countless other environmental problems harming our flora and fauna, saving Earth has become an increasing concern over time. 

With Earth Day looming upon us on April 22 and with no one addressing the issue, we decided to talk about the several benefits coronavirus has actually had on the environment.

The Unbearable Truth About Infrastructure and Urban Sprawl ...Urban Sprawl- In heavily populated countries such as India and China, urban sprawl has been a troublesome issue in metropolitan cities. With millions of people trying to commute to jobs, high amounts of traffic has led to increased carbon dioxide commissions and land degradation. With more people working from home and many factories and buildings closing, traffic has heavily decreased. Many transportation services have been shut down, leading to reduced emissions and improved land quality.

Air Quality/Ozone Layer- Factories have been shut down. Planes are no longer connecting countries. Motor vehicle use has severely declined. People stopped doing what people do: cause pollution. Data shows that in China, one of the world's most significant polluters, there has been a 10ug/m3 reduction in PM2.5 in January and February as compared to the previous years’ amounts. With lower amounts of particulates entering the atmosphere, ozone depletion has been hindered and climate change has been halted. The following image shows the reduction of NO2 (one of the criteria pollutants) in China following the outbreak. 

Take a breath of this clean air, because before you know it, it will be gone.

Coronavirus Shutdowns Have Unintended Climate Benefits: Cleaner ...

Aquatics- Frequently used bodies of water have become clearer, such as the canals in Venice. Following the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy, traffic in Venetian canals has almost become nonexistent. Due to a lack of boat movement, the sediment in the water is able to sink to the floor, making the water more pure. In addition, it is now possible to see fish, crabs, plants, and other life in the canals that weren’t seen before. Dolphins have even appeared in the waters surrounding southern Italy! 

Impact on Animals- I don’t think this one needs any introduction. Human interference is the main cause of the endangerment of several species of life around the world. With humans staying home and letting nature be nature, it is clear how beautiful life on earth can really be. 

Sea Turtle Season on Kiawah Island | Akers Ellis Real Estate & Rentals➪With India in quarantine, it has been projected that almost 60 million turtle eggs will be laid alongside the coast of the subcontinent.

Pangolin, an animal valued in China for its meat and scales, is one of the most illegally trafficked planets on the globe. Pangolin consumption has been banned in the country, leading to reduced amounts of trafficking. 

As a result of the decrease of global trade, many ports and fisheries have been shut down, leading to the growth of some species of fish and other animals in high demand. The reduction of toxic waste disposal into bodies of water by factories can also contribute to this growth.

Science Says Petting Your Cat or Dog Can Relieve Stress in Mere ...It is highly unlikely that domestic animals such as dogs and cats can get the coronavirus. With people staying at home during the quarantine, these pets get more attention, and people can relieve some stress. Although this isn’t a direct impact on the environment, pets can encourage people to stay home and can provide some psychological relief in times of chaos. Come on, who doesn’t like pets? We are kidding- we know not everyone is a pet person and we respect that!

That being said, we, the authors of ConqueringCorona, are not saying that the novel coronavirus has only been good for the environment. In fact, it has led to increased use of plastic, increased quantities of waste, reduced recycling, and deforestation (to replenish toilet paper). Man, people are really going crazy over toilet paper rolls like they’re Yeezys or something LOL! Anyways, we just wanted to use this post to highlight some of the many positive benefits derived from the outbreak. Only after the disease has gone will we truly see all the environmental benefits of COVID-19. Until then, stay home, social distance, and reduce pollution my fellow coronaslayers! Please subscribe to our email notifications on the left and leave comments!

Here is a meme to lighten the mood!



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