What it do ConqueringCoronaCrew, CCC... Corona Slayers stand up! Hello all once again, I hope all of your summers are going well so far, but remember to SOCIAL DISTANCE! Anyway, today’s blog post will be a little more serious. As we are sure you’ve all heard, there are protests going on across the nation for the “Black Lives Matter” movement. ConqueringCorona fully supports this movement and we will be adding a few links at the end of this blog so you can help and push this movement forward. Let’s get right into today’s discussion.    

As we said before, here at ConqueringCorona we feel like racism and any form of discrimination are by all means unacceptable. However, what is even more disgraceful is how some Asian American health providers are being racially abused in the hospital while trying to help the sick and how too many African American are being wrongly convicted for crimes and killed just because of their color. Although there are Asian Americans who are risking their lives everyday to treat COVID-19 patients, some patients are not even letting them touch them and it definitely has an unfortunate psychological impact on the doctors. Moreover, even for something as simple as jogging down the sidewalk, African Americans are being arrested or even killed just for acting “suspicious” even though they are not doing anything wrong. Today, we’ll be going over a few unfortunate stories that will hopefully spread awareness to everyone that WE MUST STOP THE HATE towards people just because of their ethnicity.

Hengky Kim:

Hengky Lim, a nurse practitioner from Indonesia, works on the coronavirus front lines at two ERs in the Los Angeles area. Dr. Lim was on duty treating as many patients as he could. However, when two patients found out that it was Dr. Lim who was treating them, what they did next was absolutely terrible. The two patients left the ER rather than receive treatment from him, saying they didn't want to be treated by an Asian. They feared that they would get COVID-19 just because he was asian.

There are thousands of health providers across the country just like Lim who are trying their best to treat COVID-19, but are still being looked down upon just because of their ethnicity. Outside of the hospitals, the ASIAN AMERICAN PACIFIC ISLANDER (AAPI) Hate Reporting Center recorded more than 1,800 reports of racial discrimination since its March 19 launch. Victims said they were spat on, stabbed while shopping, shunned for wearing masks and barred from entering ride-hailing vehicles.

George Floyd: 

George Floyd, a father of six children, boyfriend, and a strong man who had much more life ahead of him was killed by ex-officer Derek Chauvin in Minneapolis, Minnesota, during an arrest for allegedly using a counterfeit bill. After a shop owner called the police of Floyd because he looked like he was using a counterfeit bill, the cops showed up and immediately arrested him. Shortly after, Derek Chauvin pinned George Floyd down and put his knee on his neck. After some time, George Floyd was unable to get enough oxygen to his body and died. Floyd’s family ordered a pathologist to carry out an autopsy on George and found that he was essentially killed by the policeman cutting off George’s oxygen flow. This is an extremely heartbreaking story and we hope that Floyd’s family is doing the best they can in these difficult times.

Fortunately, there are millions of people across the nation who are not staying silent. Peaceful protests are causing changes in America’s justice system in order to limit the excessive power of policemen and help African Americans prosper. However, there are also violent protests going on that we do not condone whatsoever. People are going around looting small businesses that were not even involved with the case which is unnecessary. With peaceful protest and civil disobedience, we can all make change without any harm. As Gandhi once said… "An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind."



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