Novel Coronavirus: Symptoms, Treatments, Potential Cures

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What’s up my fellow Corona slayers! Before we begin, we hope that all of you are healthy and safe INDOORS. It’s okay to get some fresh air every now and then, but just make sure you are at least six feet apart from others. Anyway, today’s topic will be dealing with symptoms, treatments, and potential cures that our diligent medical professionals are trying to find. We know what you’re thinking...BORINGGG! However, it is important for the general public to be informed about such aspects of the novel coronavirus so we can prevent as many cases as possible. Without further ado, let’s get right into it!  

How to tell if you have the coronavirus
Those who have been exposed to the coronavirus typically begin to experience symptoms 2-14 days after initial contact with the virus. These symptoms can range from mild to extremely severe depending on your current health situation and how much exposure you've had with the virus. Young and healthy individuals who have COVID-19 usually experience milder symptoms while the elderly who have medical problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart problems have more severe reactions. If you or anyone you know are experiencing any of the symptoms listed below, be sure to consult a doctor and distance from others as much as possible:

➠ Fever
➠ Cough 
➠ Shortness of breath
➠ Trouble breathing
➠ Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
➠New confusion or inability to arouse
➠Bluish lips or face
Note: Sneezing is not a symptom- it could just be allergies!

What to do if you have contracted COVID-19
Although there are no known treatments that can eliminate the coronavirus from the body, there is supportive care and medication to relieve a patient from symptoms in hospitals. Individuals who have reason to believe that they have COVID-19 (such as experiencing any of symptoms above) should immediately seek medical care. If you are experiencing mild symptoms here are some things you can do to hopefully relieve your symptoms: 

➠ Drink plenty of fluids
➠ Rest well/Sleep
➠ Stay warm 
➠ Ways to ease sore throats/coughing include
gargling saltwater, using a humidifier, or 
drinking honey tea

Learn more on

Is there a cure for COVID-19?
hey arnold nicksplat GIF Like we mentioned in the earlier, there is no cure yet to be found for the COVID-19. However, there are numerous experiments being conducted and billions of dollars of funding going towards research for a potential cure. Researchers in the medical field have informed government officials that there will probably be a vaccination for the coronavirus in around 18 months. We sounds like forever. However, recently the FDA authorized millions of doses of unproven anti-malarial drugs (hydroxychloroquine and case you were wondering) for distribution across hospitals in the United States. They say that the drug is expected to slow down the progression of the disease through patients who are in critical conditions. However, all we can do right now is hope that our committed doctors and researchers find a cure as soon as possible so that people all around the globe can go back to living how they used to (Yes, we actually want to go back to school).

Learn more about this "power drug"

Whew! That was a lot of information! We know you didn't come to this blog to see this much blah, blah, blah stuff, but it is essential for you and others to be informed on the pandemic so that we can avoid the virus from spreading even more. Anyway, thanks for taking your time and reading through this blog post and be sure to check out our other posts for information related to the novel coronavirus. Until next time, stay healthy, safe, and most importantly happy! Please leave comments and sign up for email notifications on the left!

Total Confirmed Cases *As of March 31st, 2020* : 
Global: 858,785 (Increased by appx. 135,000)
United States: 189,035 (Increased by appx. 50,000)
New Jersey: 18,696 (Increased by appx. 5,000)
*Increases from March 29th, 2020*

Data Sources:



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